Need some help?

If you are experiencing disadvantage you can access our foodbank.

Mornington Community Information and Support Centre provides information, referral, and support services to assist people experiencing personal and financial difficulties in Mornington, Mt Martha, Mt Eliza, and Moorooduc.
320 Main Street, Mornington VIC 3931
Tel 5975 1644

We have also included some other handy numbers for you if you need to reach out for some more support;

Mount Eliza Neighbourhood House (03) 9787-8160

Mornington Peninsula Shire 1300 850 600

Corona Virus Hotline (Australian Gov.) 1800 020 080

Kids Helpline - 1800551800  Kids aged 5-25 years needing support.

Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) 1300 650 172

Lots of online resources, especially for existing Centrelink customers. Crisis payments phone line 132 850 (special conditions apply)

Lifeline - 131114 People experiencing personal crisis requiring immediate support and suicide preventions.

Beyond Blue - 1300224636 Information and support for people experiencing mental health issues

1800 Respect (Family Violence) - 1800737732 People experiencing family violence as well as family and friends

DirectLine (drug and alcohol) – 1800888236 People seeking alcohol and other drugs information, advice or referral

Headspace - 1800650890, Frankston Office (03) 97696419 Tailored and holistic support for young people aged 12-25 years

My Aged Care - 1800200422  Support for people requiring aged care services.

Maternal Child Health Line - 132229  Support for families to care for babies and young children until they start school